Saturday, September 1, 2012

What is a Koi Ladder?

So I know its been a while since I was on here and I'm sorry about that.....I think :) I have been doing alot of mini updates on the Facebook page. Which if you haven't already "Like" us on there go for it! You will get updates sooner on the project and play an active roll in its build.

So I have been really complacent on the Quad Steps and really building them as complex as I did turned me off so I needed a break from them and decided to take up another obstacle. I had talked with Thad about a complex Salmon ladder with moving rungs and was thinking how crazy I could make it. An when it came too, I really wanted to do it. I wanted to build something for this course that could seriously be a center piece of almost art as you could call it. So I designed and came up with this idea for what I call a Koi Ladder.

This Koi Ladder is going to be built from 6, 2x4's, 3/4" furniture grade plywood, and decking screws with a dynamic movement no one has ever seen before in a salmon ladder. Not only am I going to build it but I'm going to route the corners smooth it all down ensure this thing looks as good as it will perform or better. An to top it off add a swimming Koi fish on the outside of the beam to top it off.

So now that I've painted a mental picture for you. What exactly is a Koi Ladder!? It was built for novices to practice moving the bar up without fear of falling backwards, it was also designed for advanced users to practice power pulls and see if they can reach new heights but yet can still be used as a normal Salmon ladder. So here's the SIMPLE breakdown!
     1. Self contained bar to prevent "off flying"
     2. Fold up rungs into beam. Allows you to move the bar one or multiple levels and the rungs will drop back under the bar catching it.
     3. Cause of 1 and 2 you can practice explosive pulls to go for bigger reaches.
     4. The rungs are fully interchangeable allowing you to change gaps and replacing broken rungs all by simply removing a bolt or two.
     5. The rail can be removed and an additional pin can be interested to each rung making them stationary. Converting the Koi into a normal Salmon ladder.

So there you go a dynamic and diverse salmon ladder but one that is not only built but crafted as well.

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